When we view everything in our lives as cues, signals and whopping great neon signs that point us in the right direction then all those things that seem challenging, unfair and contracting become an invitation to expansion.

And that's EVERYTHING that life throws at us…

Holding on to excess weight with a body love/hate relationship.

Not understanding why the baby hasn't arrived yet - WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS?

Losing a loved one.

Losing a job.

A marriage crumbling.

These are all pivotal life moments designed for us to understand ourselves more and love ourselves deeper.

And in case some of you are thinking WHAT DO YOU KNOW, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH!!! I get it. I truly do. Personally I've worked my way through losing both parents at a young age, through impacted fertility, an abusive relationship, addiction and weight issues. And if someone had said to me at the time that these things were a GIFT I would have wanted to punch them in the throat.

But it's no coincidence you're reading this.

Sometimes (often) we can't see it when we're in it. When we're buried deep in our pain. Deep in our coulda, woulda, shoulda. When we're immersed in blame, guilt and shame we miss all these signals and signs that have the power to move us through the pain and into the solution.

The challenge is the bridge that gets us from where we are to where we want to be with personal growth and soul evolution as the beautiful bonus we collect along the way.

But first we have to accept where we are.
Then look at where we want to be - without feeling the lack of not already being there.
Then we use energetic and emotional tools to bridge that gap.

The most effective tools are the ones that lead us back to our own knowing. To our own remembering.

It's the tools that take us deep into our body to heed the signs, into our mind to find solace in the stillness as we connect to source and into our thoughts to constructively transform them so they lead us to what we want, not stuck on what we don't want.

When we're tapped in energetically, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually we open ourselves up to miracles that we can't even comprehend from our current contracted position.

If you're ready to be supported through whatever obstacles you feel are holding you back from releasing weight and living your best life Oprah style then let’s have a chat about how/if transformational hypnotherapy is suitable for you. 

Change is easy when you cut to the root cause instead of faffing about with the symptoms you 'think' are the problem - because they never are.

Big love 💖