When we view everything in our lives as cues, signals and whopping great neon signs that point us in the right direction then all those things that seem challenging, unfair and contracting become an invitation to expansion.
I tipped the scales at 86 kilos. I was miserable. I hated my body and I felt like I was on the edge of a nervous breakdown or creating serious dis-ease in my body. So here’s what I did to release the weight.
The problem most people have is they're relying on their brain to lead the way but your brain is wired for survival, not success - so YOU need to take the reins confidently to get your brain on board.
The people who succeed don't do so because they're not afraid. They succeed because they're scared shitless but the thought of remaining where they are is more frightening than the thought of doing everything they can to get to where they want to be.
You create the conditions for your life, so make sure it's not a life you're settling for. Raise your expectations for what you're worth, what you deserve, and what you can achieve.
It's important to remember WHO YOU ARE deep down into the depths of your soul because your life can change in an instant. And when you gain that deep knowing of who you are, it often does.