And your "truth" is your reality based on your past experiences, perceptions, bias and beliefs.

So to change your future based on your past isn't going to work out so well, right?

Exploring what we believe to be true and sitting with our discomfort as we identify and move past the bullshit stories we have on a repeat loop breaks the bonds of our biggest success cockblockers.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right,”

Henry Ford

It's hard to commit to really feeling the feelings to move past them with vices like booze, food, shopping, TV binges or any other distraction designed to numb you out and keep you from the truth of your truth.

Sitting with an emerging truth is messy, uncomfortable, and entirely necessary for growth. 

And sometimes you need to stop filling the void so you can hear your truth. In my past, I've stuffed everything into the void and one vice at a time I took my control back. A big part of that for me was quitting drinking.

I haven't drunk since November 2016 (where's my fricking halo already? 😇) and I'm not shoving food in my gob hole every second like I was before. 

With most of my vices removed it provides space and into that space comes all the uncomfortable feelings to be dealt with. They're sneaky little fuckers and they can blindside me when I least expect them - especially when the go-to for numbing has gone and I'm left to deal with them in their raw, real state.

But that lightness they leave in their wake, that feeling of being in control. that feeling of being on the right path - there's beauty in that to rival the best glass of Pinot or well-made, slightly mouth puckering, Margarita. 

There's nothing quite like the constant course corrections that keep us aligned with who we are, where we want to go, and how our expansive and uncomfortable truth can get us there.