** Make you extremely uncomfortable. Speak it anyway.

** Make others extremely uncomfortable. Speak it anyway.

** Make those who dislike what you stand for decide to remove themselves from your sphere of influence. Speak it anyway.

** Make your friends give you serious side eye as they wonder what on earth has come over you. Speak it anyway.

 ** Make some people closest to you pisssssssed. For the time it takes them to digest your truth and agree that it's best because they know you can see things they can't as they're stuck with their face pressed against the tree and you can see the entire forest. You're doing them a disservice by NOT speaking the unvarnished (loving) truth.

Hard-hitting home truths heal the world.

Home truths get your life to where you want it to be. And if you're thinking that hard-hitting = harsh words then it's not necessarily so as all truth is based on love. Sometimes it's tough love but it's always recognisable as love. 

In a world full of perfect life snapshots, carefully chosen words and sanitised views for fear of offending others or God forbid that you put yourself first - stand out as a beacon of truth who says what she thinks, prioritises her happiness, and takes a stand to make her slice of the world a better place.

Those who remove themselves from your vicinity then have to consciously choose to leave - which means they've assimilated your thinking and that in itself is part of your work that serves the world.

OR you could play it safe and keep your soul light hidden under that firmly entrenched bushel as you accept the status quo, fill the void with food, drink, TV, and/or the internet. Maybe all at the same time! No judgement from me as I've SO been there.

But when you tap into the power of your deepest truth, as you cast aside the shoulda, woulda, coulda’s, and all the bollocks beliefs that have you pegged into a corner then your entire world changes.